I was loathe to read this book. The school librarian eventually had to tell me that was the one to take, so I decided I better read it to see if my fears could be proved wrong. Why did I feel so strongly against this book? I haven't even seen the film, but the reviews of the time (which were probably in the "the book is so much better" category) had put me off. Perhaps the thought that it was about a Greek island with Nicolas Cage and a pretty brunette during the war put me off.
However, making me read this book was one of the best things that my librarian has done (and, believe me, she's a pretty amazing librarian who does brilliant things and comes up with wonderful ideas all the time!). By the time I had finished, I did not want to give the book back. Nor did I want to read another book straightaway, and that's pretty much a first for me. A book I just wanted to hold on to and savour.
I don't think I'll write any more ... other than, if you haven't read this book yet, then: do, do, do! Don't be put off by the film, whether or not you've seen it. I'm sure they couldn't have managed to squeeze the whole book into the film anyway. Right. Now - go away and read!
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