Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Fire Gospel by Michel Faber

Interesting little novel about a Canadian Aramaic scholar, Theo, who finds some hidden papyrii in an Iraqi museum, which, when translated, contain letters from an eyewitness to the crucifixion of Jesus.

There is a lot of humour in the book, particularly near the beginning in the translations. It is also interesting to read about how Theo gets on with publishing his first book ... haggling over the advance, being interviewed by the media in order to fit into a certain number of minutes, book readings and, especially, looking up his ranking and reading the reviews on Amazon. Familiar territory.

My one criticism would be that the story seems to fizzle out a bit at the end, and the importance of the Fifth Gospel in the world is left in some doubt - and what about its effects on Theo? A short read, started last night, finished today after haggis, and a Christmas present for H from Mum.

Now, what should I read next?

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