Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Deep Waters by Barbara Nadel

Yet another Inspector Ikmen series. I was delighted to find myself holidaying in Istanbul, not far from Istiklal Caddesi, the scene of the last Nadel book I read, Arabesk. This time I was excited to discover that the body was found on the banks of the Bosphorus in Eminonu; not far from the balik ekmen boats selling tasty "fish bread". Yum! I read the book each evening with the streetmap to hand, figuring out where the characters were in relation to places that we were visiting.

One day we had chicken breast pudding in the Pudding Shop near the Blue Mosque in Sultan Ahmet. I was excited to realise that it was the famous Pudding Shop, as mentioned in other Barbara Nadel books. And then, the next day, lo and behold, two of the characters in Deep Waters met to share salep in the Pudding Shop!

All of this brought a very welcome extra dimension to my reading. Now, bring on the next one!

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