Saturday, June 27, 2009

Junk by Melvin Burgess

NOTE: Although I opened and entitled a new post in June, I actually wrote this on Sunday 2 August.

First, a confession. It is some time since I read this book, now ... I have read many other books since then. And I'm a bit behind. Since then I've read better books, longer books, adult books. But I will try and comment faithfully on what was one of the more complex books I'd read in a few months at that point!

What really struck me about this novel was the switch of viewpoints, as each chapter continued the story from the viewpoint of a different character. Young hopefuls were followed by older cynics. Recovering drug addicts were followed by those in the early stages, who thought that they would not get addicted. Boys followed women, who followed men, who followed girls.

The story is a sad one, of a descent into addiction, which begins with two young people running away from home. Tar runs away first, then Gemma leaves home to follow him to Bristol. They get a place in a squat, and gradually are introduced to harder drugs, anarchism and prostitution. The two try to kick their addiction, but it is not easy. Like the book; good, but not easy.

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